Laura Bayley, Head of Clearing Services, SIX, has today been appointed as a new member of SWIFT’s Board of Directors.
Laura Bayley is originally a lawyer and has extensive experience in regulatory matters and projects related to financial market infrastructure. He has been working at SIX since 2016 and at SIX x-clear since 2020.
In May 2022, Laura Bayley took over the management of SIX x-clear at the legal entity level and continues to be responsible for regulatory and governance matters across all BME and SIX at an operational level in the clearing sector. She is a Member of the Board of Directors of EACH and also a permanent guest on the Board of Directors of the Capital Market Services Business Unit of SIX.
Prior to working at SIX, Laura worked at a large Swiss law firm after completing her double degrees in Law and Sinology from the Universities of Zurich and Bern.
Laura Bayley said:
“It is a great pleasure to be selected to join the SWIFT Board. In this position, I will contribute my experience to the smooth running of this important organization for the benefit of the global financial system and I look forward to working with the other members of SWIFT’s Board of Directors.”