Online brokerage Robinhood has expanded the list of assets available for trading on the 24-hour Robinhood market.

The total number of symbols available has increased from 95 to 226.

Using the 24 Hour Market, people can submit limit orders to buy entire shares of the most traded ETFs and individual stocks – such as TSLA, AMZN and AAPL – 24 hours a day, five days a week. The 24 Hour Market allows clients to invest whenever they want, according to their schedule. Trading hours range from 8:00 p.m. ET on Sunday until 8:00 p.m. ET on Friday.

To use Robinhood 24 Hour Market in-app:

  • Choose your stock or ETF. Stocks and ETFs that are tradable 24 hours will vary in-app. A 24-hour Market list will also show the 226 stocks and ETFs that can be traded. This list includes many of the most popular symbols by trading volume.
  • Name your price. Clients can place 24-hour market orders in the limit order flow. As a first step, customers enter the maximum price they would pay for the security – or the minimum price at which they would sell.
  • Set the hours and trading time in effect. Select the 24-hour Market trading session and select when a limit order should be executed or expired.
  • Select the number of shares. After selecting how many shares they would like to buy, traders will see a summary of the order, including the limit price, expiration time and total estimated cost. Swipe to submit.

Robinhood’s 24 Hour Market levels the playing field, so extensive trading is no longer reserved exclusively for those trading on the US East Coast. The company plans to continue to innovate over time based on customer feedback.

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