Multi-asset investment specialist Saxo Bank is planning a series of platform enhancements aimed at improving the end-client experience.

In mid-April, Saxo will release an enhancement that will indicate via a symbol if a product is not tradable and an explanation as to why it is not tradable.

  • Search Warning + Tooltip

  • The warning on the Product Page and the Trade button are disabled, when required (i.e. if the client has an open position, the trade button will be there so that the client can close the position. If the client does not have an open position, the transactions will be disabled).
  • The warning in the Tradeboard and dealing boxes is disabled when required (ie only the “side” closing the position is enabled, the other cannot be clicked).

Saxo displays the following error messages, as appropriate, WHY an instrument cannot be traded:

Saxo Bank regularly updates its trading solutions. A new option closure report will be available in April, alerting clients to upcoming expirations (and possible option closures because of it).

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