From October 2024 EBS NDF trading will move to a single liquidity pool. This integration will drive transactional and operational efficiencies for the foreign exchange market by creating a unified global pool of liquidity for NDF trading on EBS.
The move will consolidate the two current NDF trading pools (on-SEF/on-MTF and off-SEF/on-MTF) into a single liquidity pool on the EBS UK MTF, managed by BrokerTec Europe Limited (subject to regulatory approval) .
Meanwhile, from 1 January 2024, US clients will be able to access EBS UK’s PMT as a prime client trading in the name and on behalf of a non-US client Prime Bank. This will follow the standard EBS Prime model where a participant will need to contract with both BrokerTec Europe Limited to access the EBS UK MTF and their designated Prime Bank(s).
For any questions or more information, please contact or your EBS account representatives.