TradingView streamlines analysis with new indicators in the Stock Screener.
Stock Screener now has improved indicators for in-depth stock analysis and selection. These additions include various performance indicators, capital and debt management metrics, a new growth indicator, and an additional security identifier.
Among the most recent additions, there are indicators that assess the effectiveness of the use of resources (assets, equity capital) in generating profits:
- Return on tangible equity (ROTE): Assesses how efficiently a company uses its equity capital to generate profits.
- Return on Tangible Assets %: Measures how efficiently a company generates revenue from its tangible fixed assets.
- Return on Total Capital %: Quantifies the profit a company generates through its capital structure.
The next set of indicators assesses the efficiency of the use/turnover of assets and inventories:
- Asset turnover: This ratio measures a company’s sales or revenue relative to the value of its assets, indicating how efficiently the company is using its assets to generate income. A higher asset turnover ratio means greater efficiency.
- Inventory Turnover: This financial ratio shows how many times a company has turned over its inventory relative to cost of goods sold (COGS) in a given period, reflecting how efficiently a company is using its inventory.
Here are indicators that assess the coverage of debt obligations and interest payments:
- Debt-to-asset ratio: Measures the percentage of debt a company carries compared to its assets. A high index indicates a higher risk of insolvency.
- Total debt to equity: Indicates a company’s financial leverage by dividing short-term and long-term liabilities by total equity.
- Net Debt to EBITDA: Shows how many years it will take to pay off the debt if net debt and EBITDA remain constant. A negative ratio indicates that the company has more cash than debt.
- Interest Coverage: Assesses whether a company can sustain interest payments with its earnings. A higher ratio means a better ability to repay interest-bearing obligations, while a lower ratio indicates financial instability.
- EBITDA Interest Coverage: Assesses how easily a company can pay interest on its debt by dividing EBITDA by its interest expense.
- EBITDA minus interest coverage: Measures a business’s ability to pay interest based on EBITDA minus capital expenditures.
There are also indices that assess equity management and returns:
- Asset-to-equity ratio: Shows the ratio of the company’s total assets to the portion held by shareholders (equity).
- Repurchase Yield %: Represents the amount of cash a company spends to repurchase its common stock in a specified period, usually the previous year, divided by its market capitalization at the beginning of the repurchase period. This ratio allows analysts to compare the impact of share repurchases on different companies.
- Dividend Cash Coverage Ratio: Calculates how many times a company can pay dividends to its shareholders using net income.
Safety information
- Price target: Represents the predicted price that analysts believe the stock will reach in the future.
- Target Price Return %: Indicates the percentage difference between the predicted price and the current price.
- ISIN (International Securities Identification Number): A unique twelve-digit code assigned to each securities issue worldwide. Note that this indicator is only available as a column.
- Capital expenditure growth % (Capex growth): This indicator shows the change in a company’s expenditure on long-term assets. It is vital to understanding how much a company is investing in its future growth to support business growth and profitability.
How to use the new indicators in the screener?
You can add new metrics to the controller either as a filter or as a column.
Working with filters: To add a filter, click the + button in the top panel and select the indicator you want. Once added, popular filter sets can be accessed by clicking on them, automatically applying the filter to the panel. For custom settings, select “Manual Setup” from the filter drop-down list and enter your specific filter conditions.
Work with columns: Add columns with desired indexes to the table and sort the list as you need.